BCR-genes were removed from the count data using regular expression commands with the following patterns: ‘IG[HKL]V’, ‘IG[KL]J’, ‘IG[KL]C’, ‘IGH[ADEGM]’.
TCR-genes were removed from the count data using a regular expression command with the following pattern:’^TR[ABDG][VJC]’. A cluster containing cells positive for CD3E, CD19 and CD14 was discarded.
the genes that encode B-cell antigen receptors interfere with the process of unsupervised clustering, as well as the down-stream analyses of these cells.
the genes that encode T-cell receptors interfere with the unsupervised clustering of these cells.
This interference is likely due to the high frequencies of B- and T-cell receptor genes among the genes that account for most of the variance in each of the PCs used for the clustering.
The effects of the B-cell and T-cell receptor genes are abrogated upon their exclusion before clustering is undertaken.
Code availability
All custom codes used for data processing and computational analyses are available under project BCR_TCR_Interference at https://github.com/MartenssonLab/.